I'm still here!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Wow.. This summer's been the busiest summer yet. Full of weddings, family outings, working full time, and doing photography (which feels like another full time job!).

I have waay too many photo favs to update you guys on.. so I'll do that later on.

Today I'm photographing yet another wedding.. Very excited about that. There's something about getting into wedding mode that makes me giggle. The nerves and excitement you feel with the couple, is just heart-warming. I'm pretty well booked solid for the rest of the year, but will try and fit in any last minute bookings for weddings.

There's lots to come as well.. personal photo shoots, families, babies, more twins!, weddings, engagements.. etc.

Hope everyone's enjoying their summer.. Thanks to all of you for making this photography passion a success!!!