Peters Family.. Part 2

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Now I can't take all credit for this work, the day was so short the first time around and I was booked up for awhile so the mom asked if she could take her own pics of her kids and if I could edit them for her. The pictures turned out great! If the mom keeps this up, I could see her going places. Thanks again Terry!

Goertzen/Minnett | Family

We hit a few birds with one stone this time around. We decided to do the larger family, immediate family, and also the baby's 9 month. Was neat to come up with ideas and have loads of fun with this family. Thanks again guys!! Glad you enjoyed them and I look forward to working with you in the future.

Knox | 5 year wedding anniversary

It was awesome to see this couple hit their 5! year wedding anniversary! I was even more thrilled when they contacted me and wanted to do an "anniversary session". Hadn't ever done that kind before so it was neat to find places and ideas that would accomidate that. Had so much fun with them, thanks again guys!

Heather and Curtis | Engagement

Heather and Curtis knew exactly what they wanted and I loved that! We decided to drive down into the Valley and take some fun shots at the most random locations. Its amazing how much Curtis knew about the area. Thanks again guys, looking forward to your wedding in March!

Tiffany | Family

When Tiffany called me to take pics of her family I was super excited. From reading up on facebook these boys sounded like they were lots of fun, and they definitely were. It was a bit cooler that day but it was still better weather for November than we expected... so I'll take what I can get.

Thanks again Tiff for allowing me to be apart of your amazing family. ENJOY!

Jamie and Naomi | Wedding

The weather definitely accomidated this day. Who knew the weather would be +10-+15 degrees, and you can open your windows while driving and during the day in your home. I loved it! Thanks again Jamie and Naomi for allowing me to capture your day. Was a lot of fun and we got a LOT of photos out of it. You guys rock.

There was WAY too many favorites so I decided to put it as a mini-collage.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

2009 has been an amazing, eventful year and I am so happy to put it behind me and continue to grow in 2010! Not even with my photography, but with our family.. Yep, thats right, we're expecting #2!!

So unfortunetly, as of now, the months of July and August, I will not be taking on session, or weddings (unfortunetly). I have referrals if you are continuing to look for photographers who have quality and who are affordable. And who I admire as fellow photographers in the area, so let me know and I can "hook you up!" haha!

So one more month and Christmas is here! I'm swamped right now, and will be updating a few sessions to the group either today or tomorrow. Last minute Christmas pics are definitely the hit right now (including a wedding), and hopefully come December I can settle down and enjoy the holiday season. I have 3 weddings that month, so we'll see!

My promotion for the Christmas cheer board is almost over, and I'll be SO excited to tally up the total that will be going to help families in need. Something about giving back allows me to feel good about my work, and what I do. Thank you to all who have and continue to make this promotion a huge success!

So, I don't have pics to update you on quite yet but it won't be long before they'll be up! Enjoy your Christmas season while it lasts and soak in all the amazing things that come with it. May God bless you and your family! Thanks!!

Alesha Hildebrand
Alesha Faye Photography

Sawatzky | Newborn | Family

Saturday, November 21, 2009

So another trip out to Steinbach landed up happening shortly after Tiffany's beeeautiful baby girl was born! Also we decided to hit two birds with one stone and get her little guy's 3 year pictures done. Overall was a great time. Thanks again Tiff and enjoy your blessing!

Peters | Family

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Peter's family was such a neat family to work with. With the weather being a bit on the chilly side, we couldn't help but head to a few places and take some neat shots. The girls were a lot of fun and had so much spunk and personality, it made my job so much easier! Thanks again Terry and family for allowing me to capture such an amazing family such as yours! Looking forward to working with you in the future.

8 Friends | Casual

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I take back my last post's first words.. That week was easy compared to this past one. I can honestly say God is definitely amazing and has blessed us with so many miracles these past few days.
I'm quite behind but slowly getting sessions edited. Be prepared to check back for 5 session updates and a wedding.. And come December they'll be 3, yes 3! weddings.. So I'm definitely not slowing down, and this year's been SUCH a success.. Couldn't be more blessed.
On the other hand, here's a session that took awhile but finally finished. A group of 8 girls who have such a strong bond. I admire when I get the chance to photograph group of friends.. you see their inside jokes, their vivid personalities, and their strong love for one another. A few hours with them, and a bunch of laughs behind the computer and I was very impressed with the end result...
Here's a couple samples.